Food Wastage in Singapore

Background of food wastage:

Food wastage is that the food is been discarded or loss uneaten. In 2017,the amount of food wasted is 809,800. The amount of food waste generated has increased by about 40% over the past 10 years.

Where food wastage came from?

– Food wastage occurs in food stalls and restaurants when staff and chefs are not properly trained or managed resulting in badly cooked food. -Asians tend to provide an abundance of food to guests at social or festive events such as wedding banquets and annual dinner,it is common to see guests unable to finish the foods, and thus wasting food. -In schools students tend to buy large portions of food but they are unable to finish them in the end,and thus wasting food

How to reduce food wastage?

– When you go for food shopping, make sure you don’t buy too much food. This may mean going to the grocery store more often, and buying less food each time. -When taking food or buying food,only take or order the amount of food that you are able to finish it. -Donate things you won’t use,donate them before it expires so that it can be consumed by someone else who needs it.

Programme that ‘recycle’ food

-Food bank singapore.It collects food products from anyone who donates then these items will be sorted out and donate to member beneficiaries such as nursing homes and family service centre.

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